Resolution(s) and Clarity
Perhaps it’s no coincidence that we use the word “resolutions” to mean those goals to which we resolve ourselves for the year, while “resolution” can also mean visibility, detail, clarity.
This connection hints at an insight: that the effectiveness of our goals and strategy are served by the depth of our understanding of what we have resolved to do. If we can analyze a problem and its potential solutions with clarity, then our resolutions will be more effective and achievable.
Achieving a high level of resolution requires thoughtfulness, reflection, self-awareness and, in organizations, cultural awareness, as well as an ability to prioritize important tasks. It also means taking the time to really get to know ourselves and our own strengths, weaknesses, goals, and ambitions.
The more clearly we can see what we are resolving to do, the better chance we have of success. This clarity requires a dedication to self-knowledge and reflection, an understanding of our limitations, and a focus on what is essential.
What level of clarity should we bring to our resolve to do better? How much more detail can we allow ourselves to examine before committing to a path forward?
Good luck with your strategy work and goal-setting, and let me know if KO Insights can be helpful to you at any point in your planning.
May we all enjoy a happy and fulfilling new year.